The Important Stuff

Friday, 6 May 2016

Extended Leave

So this has been a long time coming really.

I've recently lost the love I used to have for blogging, and it honestly started feeling more like a chore than a hobby. Which is why the amount of posts I have been writing has dwindled, and then they've eventually stopped altogether.

Because of my lack in motivation for the blog, I have decided to take an extended leave from Offbeat Emily. This is not goodbye, this is a see you in a while. The past few months have been up and down, my mental health still needs to be assessed, and I've let roller derby completely take over my life.

In a few months, I WILL sit down, have a rebrand and really think about what Offbeat Emily represents and where I want it to go in the future. If you hadn't noticed in the past, I have blogged about anything and everything I am interested in, which over time became very overwhelming and I felt I no longer had the time or energy to blog about everything I wanted to.

In the next few months, expect big things from me. I will come back stronger than ever, letting all you lovelies into my new world of roller derby and the life of Betty Brute, my journey towards a settled mind, and lots and lots of amazing food!

I love you all and thank you so much for the support I have received during my blogging journey for now.

I'll speak to you all soon, if you need me, feel free to drop me an email.

Emily xx

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